sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018


Precio: $19.55
The Miracle of Life, under the daring and stark pen of the author, his opera prima, is a faithful account of the life of some of our Venezuelan neighborhoods. Sometimes described with an enveloping poetic full of a marked lyricism that reveals without hesitation the unusual but real world that we have before our eyes and that sometimes we ignore. But while The Miracle of Life unveils the affective environment of a family immersed in poverty, with the contradictions of survival, in this novel the light of a hope represented by Elisa, her main character, who achieves With great efforts overcome the own difficulties and shortcomings imposed by life. A sustained growth behavior, based on the study, will serve as a support to overcome this uncertain past, reconstructed now as affective reinvention, the best guarantee of a paradise here on earth, under the projective dream of a material life and spiritual marked by love and solidarity.

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